Friday, July 6, 2007

I want to go kayaking again!!

I learned how to kayak on Tuesday. And I don't mean just silly old yellow plastic $10 per hour boy scout pool toy kayaking, either. I mean intense, learning from the fastest polo-kayaker in the nation, wearing a skirt thing that connects you to the boat, really difficult just to go straight kayaking. My camera is out of batteries, so my phenomenal artistic abilities are going to have to be satisfactory as far as documentation of this memorial occasion goes. So anyhow, it was extremely fun!! I had a hard time going straight. And then I had a hard time turning. And then I had a hard time in general. But it was great, anyway! It started pouring, so we got cut off in our training session, since Joseph was apprehensive of the lightning, which is a good thing, I suppose....Anyway, everyone needs to go kayaking. I'll definitely be going again!!


Anonymous said...

That sure was a great hair day for you!!!!

Laurisa said...

THANKS!! I know it. : )

Russell and Jillian said...

Yay, I'm so glad you updated your blog! I about had a heart attack when I went to your page and saw a new post!!! :)